
After diving down Neocities for a few days, I decided to update my page. Make it more personal, less corporate. Maybe update the blog with new posts of a different variety. I also wanted to take advantage of some of the new trends in static webpage design and automation. All pages in the previous version of this site had to be manually updated whenever I made certain changes, like to the main menu. Hopefully now that will not be the case. Anywho, take a look around. It looks like you are on a phone. While I have tried hard to make sure this page works on phones, you may miss out on some features.

Random Thought

Javascript could be better, ngl.


Here is a list of recent changes.

Date Changes
2024-07-08 Added a gallery!
2024-07-04 Added a couple more links
2024-04-25 Another random thought.
2024-04-11 Add weather.gov to the links page because more people need to know it exists.
2024-04-10 Added several more chilli reviews. Another book recommendation, visual updates and more game reviews.
2024-01-19 Added another 9 chilli reviews.
2023-12-24 In the blog - Added a quick guide to setting up a greedycraft server in docker.
2023-10-23 Added another link.
2023-10-18 Added several more chilli reviews
2023-10-05 Some fixes and decor.
2023-09-28 More books and thoughts.
2023-09-24 Another random thought.
2023-09-15 Updated MageBattle to fix sizing on minigames. Added eggs and had some fun with the background of the tools page.
2023-09-08 Made several of the images on this site significantly smaller by converting to webp. ImageMagick is pretty awesome. And the Pokemon Tiers page now takes .1% the networks requests and about 8% as much bandwidth!
2023-09-07 Based on a meme about games that change your cursor to a gauntlet, I added custom cursors to the game tiers page. I also added Conway's game of life to the background of the misc page.
2023-09-02 Added more book recommendations to this page.
2023-09-01 Added some stars to this page. If you see any whisps shooting around, those are other people also looking at this page.
2023-08-24 Added an astrology lookup thing... with a bit of a twist based on a meme I saw recently...
2023-08-10 Added 13 more game reviews and some random thoughts/books right up there ^. Also added a bunch of icons to the tools and misc pages.
2023-07-31 Added a guestbook. Feel free to sign it. I also made a game, you can find that here. And added links in this change log.
2023-07-25 Added 3 more game reviews. Updated links page, and created my own page badge.
2023-07-24 Update links page.
2022-12-16 Add Mastodon linkback.
2022-10-10 Added check to see if WASM is loaded in lua filter and fractal generator. QOL.
2022-07-07 Added Quick Dungeon, a fast RPG game.
2022-06-19 Added more fractal types!
2022-06-18 Add progress prompt to the fractal generator!
2022-06-17 Update Image Filter-er to have progress shown!!
2022-06-02 Fixed sorting within tiers on all charts. Added filters for pokemon tiers.
2022-06-01 Added my own Pokemon Tier chart.
2022-05-27 Added a Lua-based image filter tool.
2022-05-11 Added several more game reviews.
2022-05-10 Added 7 entries to the game reviews.
2022-04-05 Added another chilli review and game review.
2022-04-01 Zelda BOTW, and Ori added to game reviews.
2022-03-26 Added possibly the only full picture on the internet of a can of Lidl's chili to the chilli review page.
2022-03-22 Public webpage reveal
The bell marks the 4,631st reforging. Measure resumes once mode. - Ignacia